Islamic Curriculum - Grade 3 | Student Guide

Islamic Curriculum - Grade 3 | Student Guide

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$10.00 USD
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$10.00 USD
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The Steps to Perfection 3rd grade curriculum strives to build upon the development of a strong Islamic foundation, which began from the kindergarten book.

The ʿAqāʾid section entails a review of the the Uṣūl ad-Dīn (Roots of Religion), and then explores each tenant in-depth.

The Fiqh unit consists of relevant topics, with integrated activities, to make the concepts more interactive, tangible, and practical for students. It introduces relevant topics for this age group, such as the philosophy of ḥijāb.

The History section helps children strengthen their connection to and understanding of the Maʿṣūmīn through stories from their childhood, in hopes that children will be able to develop an unfaltering bond of love that will take root in their hearts.

The Akhlāq section has been made aesthetically-pleasing through colorful illustrations, aḥādīth, and āyāt from the Qurʾān that delve into topics such as the importance of having good manners and being balanced in our behaviors.