Embark on an extraordinary journey with "Amazing Ahlul Bayt Adventures," an engaging akhlāq program tailored for youth aged 9 and above! Delve into the inspiring lives of our immaculate role models, the 14 Maʿṣūmīn, through our innovative graphic novel titled "Name Chronicles", where each page unveils a new adventure and profound lessons in character development.
Packed with fun and unique activities, this interactive program is designed to captivate young minds while instilling valuable moral principles. From in-workbook reflections to exciting challenges, every activity offers an opportunity for spiritual upliftment and personal growth.
As participants progress through their journey, they'll earn recognition with our exclusive collection of 14 award badges, symbolizing their dedication to embodying the virtues of the Ahlul Bayt. Join us on this unforgettable quest to discover the legacy of the Maʿṣūmīn and ignite a lifelong passion for ethical living. Start your adventure today!