NEW EDITION Alḥamdulillāh!
Imām Muḥammad al-Bāqir (ʿa): If people knew the reward for performing the ziyārah of Imām Ḥusayn (ʿa), their souls would leave their bodies in remorse, and they would die longing for it.
One of the most recommended acts in Islam is performing ziyārah of the Maʿsūmīn. The purpose of ziyārah (pilgrimage) is to visit and form a connection with the holy personalities and places you are visiting. The Illustrated Ziyārah Guide to Iraq seeks to fulfill this need by trying to provide every zāʾir with a copy in hand to maximize their ziyārah experience. The guide features:
400+ full-color pages
Descriptive images and maps
Historical information and facts
Biographies of holy personalities
Step-by-step ziyārāt etiquette
Line-by-line ziyārāt/duʿās with simple, accurate English translations
- NEW duʿās included!
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